South Florida Inmates Spend Time with Children Ahead of Holidays (ABC WPLG Local 10)
“We’re just three days away from Christmas, but for some coming together is much easier said than done. Luckily, some South Florida children got to spend time with their incarcerated fathers Tuesday ahead of the holidays.”

Inmates at the Charlotte County Correctional Institute Receive Christmas Miracle – (Fox 4 News)
“CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla– Dozens of families are being reunited for the holidays at the Charlotte County Correctional Institute. On Monday, kids
and caregivers were driven from Miami to Punta Gorda for the visit thanks to a state-wide program, Children of Inmates, that works to create bonds
between inmates and their loved ones. ”

South Florida Kids Reunite With Fathers In Prison (CBS Miami)
“It was an emotional day for a number of children in Miami Dade and Broward counties. They visited their fathers who are in prison. For some it was the first time they have seen them in months and in some cases years.”

The Children’s Trust Award Recognition Ceremony
Our primary funder awarded the Children of Inmates the provider of the year award.

We’re featured in TIME magazine! We had a photojournalist follow us on our Family Bonding Visits to correctional institutions across Florida. Her images and words tell a powerful story..
Isadora Kosofsky has been photographing since she was 14 years old. After she turned 18, she started to focus her work on the U.S. criminal justice system – looking, for example, at the impact the vast and complicated juvenile justice system has on young prisoners and their families. Now, in her most recent project, published here for the first time, Kosofsky follows incarcerated parents as they struggle to maintain fragmented, yet essential, relationships with their daughters and sons.”

National Public Radio’s Tell Me more, “For Scores Of U.S. Children, One Parent Lives Behind Bars” with Michel Martin.
“More than 1.7 million children in the U.S. have at least one parent who is incarcerated in the nation’s criminal justice system, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. In Florida’s Miami Dade County alone, 15,000 children are reported to have a parent serving time in prison. Researchers have found that such realities can have devastating affects on family life and can lead children to perform poorly in school. “

National Geographic posted a message regarding a bonding visit of a father and child in their Instagram account, which received 280 thousands likes.
“Carlos holds his son, Damian, during a parent-child bonding visit at the Everglades Re-entry Center in Miami, Florida, where Carlos is incarcerated.”